Our story
Wedding Partners

once upon a time
Three acres of exquisite formal gardens and heritage listed trees together with manicured lawns provide the perfect setting for your special day. Our newly renovated estate offers you three beautiful ballrooms in one enchanting location amongst the formal gardens and the historic trees.
The Manor House is a one storey, U shaped attic house construction of coursed rubble basalt with a gabled slate roof and hipped bay dormer windows, making the perfect backdrop for unique photos. It is architecturally significant as an outstanding and extraordinary example of a Scottish vernacular style building in Victoria. The building has very distinctive hipped bay dormers and dwarf parapeted gable ends, which are typical of Scottish lowland buildings but seen rarely in Victoria. Through its Scottish influenced architecture, the Manor House describes the origins of early settlers in Victoria.
Meadowbank, through its construction, style, location and age is historically important in understanding the early settlement of Victoria and makes the perfect, exclusive location for your next event!